
Homebrewing! The hobby that I was introduced to in 2012 and has consumed more and more of my time and energy since then! 

People often ask me, "so what do you like to brew?" At this point I've brewed a pretty extensive range of styles. I guess I would summarize by saying that I rotate between :

a) really basic styles (blonde ale, amber ale, pale ale, pilsner, etc) to fine tune my technique, enter contests, etc.

b) popular styles (milkshake IPA, NEIPA, imperial stout, etc). - more so to keep up with trends and to compare to whats out there

c) crazy and experimental - infusions of new ingredients and recipes I've created.   e.g. peanut butter and jelly stout, blueberry blonde, jalepeno saison, etc.

Over the past several years I have been sharing my adventures, photos, recipes, etc. through my Instagram (link at bottom of this page). Unfortunately, because of the nature of the Instagram format, much of my content is seemingly lost after a couple days. I'm setting up this website with the hope of capturing more of my adventures to share and dialogue with other homebrewers everywhere.

